WARNING: This game is not very good. I just made it to learn a bit more about Godot. Don't expect to have a good time.

WARNING: By some accounts, Godot games do not work well on Mac. I'm using a Mac, and it seems fine, but if you're having issues, try opening the game is Safari and right clicking and clicking "Open in new tab". That might solve the issue.

Controls: Press SPACE to go back to the main menu. You'll figure out the rest.

Last year I made a game (or "Vibe Simulator") called "Big D's Fall Mixtape 2022". It was mostly just an excuse to learn Unity. This year, since Unity seems to be heading in a very bad direction, I decided to make the same game in Godot. I have since 2022 moved into a less cozy place, but otherwise I reused a lot of the assets due to laziness. I just made some new songs for the rhythm game.

Overall I think Godot seems fine, but it definitely needs some time to grow, compared to Unity. It's decently fun to work with, though, so I think I might stick around.

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